MANCHESTER, NH - Manchester Fire and AMR ambulance were dispatched to 56 Brook Street on January 14, 2025 for a report of smoke in the building at 11:57 a.m.

Upon arrival Engine 11 established command and investigated. Upon that investigation crews discovered fire inside the exterior walls and ceiling on the first floor. Fire was extending inside the exterior walls up through the second floor.

Companies made an aggressive attack on the fire and prevented extension up into the third floor and roof. Fire damage was limited to the first and second floor apartments. The fire was brought under control at 12:28 p.m.

Resources: Engines 11,6,10, RIC Engines 7 and 2, Trucks 1 and 6, Rescue 1, Squad 1, Battalion Chief 1, ALS 3, SFT1, K1,2,3

Special Circumstances: Old construction with hidden void spaces

Fire Cause: At this time the fire remains under investigation, however there is no evidence,
physical or circumstantial to suggest an intentionally set fire

Incident Commander: Battalion Chief Steve DesRuisseaux

©Jeffrey Hastings
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