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FOM 2019-3661

FOM 2019-3661

At approx 6:15 pm on January 17, 2019 a single vehicle veered into the guardrail of the high-speed Southbound lane, crossing over to the far right of the roadway, striking the embankment and rolling over at mile-marker 15.2 in Merrimack.
One adult was injured in the accident, and although a car seat and children’s items were present no children were in the car. The person was transported by Merrimack Fire Rescue to a Manchester hospital with what appeared to be non-life-threatening injuries.
This accident happened while NHSP Troopers were working to enforce the “no use of mobile electronics driving” law. Troopers issued 12 tickets, and 7 warnings before the rollover accident occurred.

@Jeffrey Hastings