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Nashua Fire Rescue Respond To Structure Fire

Incident Date and Time: November 5, 2021 @ 11:25 am

First Unit on the Scene: Engine 1, Lt. Tom Wholey (Amherst Street Fire Station)
Incident Location: 2 Chatfield Dr., Nashua, NH

Nashua Fire Rescue responded to 2 Chatfield Drive for a building fire. While en route the plume of smoke could be seen in the air.

A working fire was transmitted. This bought an additional engine and ladder to the scene. Engine 1 arrived and found heavy fire in the garage and attic area. Engine 1 stretched a 1 ¾” hose line.

They quickly hit the fire in the garage to attempt to darken it down. They then brought the hose line to the second floor and attacked the fire in the attic. Engine 5 arrived and established a water supply.

The crew stretched a 2 ½” hose line and attacked the fire in the garage. Two members of Ladder 1 ventilated the roof while the other two members did a primary and secondary search of the second floor and opened up the ceiling to get access to the attic.

Ladder 2 crew assisted with ventilation and opening up access to fire in concealed spaces. Engine 6 crew stretched a backup 1 3/4” hose line did a primary and secondary search of the first floor and conducted salvage operations. Engine 3 crew conducted Rapid Intervention Team functions.

A single occupant of the building was able to self-evacuate the building prior to the fire department's arrival. There were no injuries. The building is uninhabitable

Cause: The cause of the fire is under investigation by the City of Nashua Fire Marshal’s Office.

Incident Commander: Deputy Chief Glen MacDonald

©Jeffrey Hastings
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